This English course is designed for students of information and communication sciences. Through these chapters, they will acquire general knowledge about information sciences and communication, they will learn about the functions of media, how media operates in a specific political milieu, and how this decides about the functions of media, with a focus on critical thinking. The second chapter is an introduction to ethics, students will understand the meaning of ethics within the context of journalism and will be aware of its importance to the profession of journalism and how some traits are essential of the job.

In the third chapter students will be introduced to new concepts and knowledge dealing with information society and media literacy and the importance of the latter to fight fake news and to solve problems of information disorder. 

In the last chapter, news and news writing, students will understand what makes the story relevant and interesting to their readers, they will develop their sense of judging news, they will be trained to analyze values that make some events newsworthy, by this unit they will be able to move to the next step; to learn how to write news stories, leads and headlines. 

By the end of these chapters, students will acquire many skills, besides enriching their media terms and English vocabulary